API Overview

class SOC.common.simulation.Simulation(L: int, save_every: int = 1, wait_for_n_iters: int = 10)

Base class for SOC simulations.

  • L (int) – linear size of lattice, without boundary layers
  • save_every (int or None) – number of iterations per snapshot save
  • wait_for_n_iters (int) – How many iterations to skip to skip before saving data?
AvalancheLoop() → dict

Bring the current simulation’s state to equilibrium by repeatedly toppling and dissipating.

Returns a dictionary with the total size of the avalanche and the number of iterations the avalanche took.

Return type:dict

The total width of the simulation grid, with boundaries.

animate_states(notebook: bool = False, with_boundaries: bool = False, interval: int = 30)

Animates the collected states of the simulation.

  • notebook (bool) – if True, displays via html5 video in a notebook; otherwise returns MPL animation
  • with_boundaries (bool) – include boundaries in the animation?
  • interval (int) – number of miliseconds to wait between each frame.
classmethod clean_boundary_inplace(array: numpy.ndarray) → numpy.ndarray

Convenience wrapper to common.clean_boundary_inplace with the simulation’s boundary size.

Parameters:array (np.ndarray) – array to clean
Return type:np.ndarray

Displays the gathered data as a Pandas DataFrame.

Returns:dataframe with gathered data
Return type:pandas.DataFrame

Drive the simulation by adding particles from the outside.

Must be overriden in subclasses.

classmethod from_file(filename: str)

Loads simulation state from a saved one.

Parameters:filename (str) – Filename to be loaded.
Returns:simulation object, of the subclass you used
Return type:Simulation
get_exponent(column: str = 'AvalancheSize', low: int = 1, high: int = 10, plot: bool = True, plot_filename: Optional[str] = None) → dict

Plot histogram of gathered data from data_df,

  • column (str) – which column of data_df should be visualized?
  • low (int) – lower cutoff for log-log-linear fit
  • high (int) – higher cutoff for log-log-linear fit
  • plot (bool) – if False, skips all plotting and just returns fit parameters
  • plot_filename (bool) – optional filename for saved plot. This skips displaying the plot!

fit parameters

Return type:


classmethod inside(array: numpy.ndarray) → numpy.ndarray

Convenience function to get an array without simulation boundaries

Parameters:array (np.ndarray) – array
Returns:array of width smaller by 2BC
Return type:np.ndarray
plot_state(with_boundaries: bool = False) → matplotlib.figure.Figure

Plots the current state of the simulation.

Parameters:with_boundaries (bool) – should the boundaries be displayed as well?
Returns:figure with plot
Return type:plt.Figure
run(N_iterations: int, filename: str = None, wait_for_n_iters: int = 10) → str

Simulation loop. Drives the simulation, possibly starts avalanches, gathers data.

  • N_iterations (int) – number of iterations (per grid node if scale is True)
  • filename (str) – filename for saving snapshots. if None, saves to memory; by default if False, makes something like array_Manna_2019-12-17T19:40:00.546426.zarr
  • wait_for_n_iters (int) – wait this many iterations before collecting data (lets model thermalize)
Return type:



serialization of object and saving it to file


The total size of the simulation grid, without boundaries


Distribute material from overloaded sites to neighbors.

Must be overriden in subclasses.

class SOC.models.BTW(*args, **kwargs)

Implements the BTW model.

Parameters:L (int) – linear size of lattice, without boundary layers
drive(num_particles: int = 1)

Drive the simulation by adding particles from the outside.

Parameters:num_particles (int) – How many particles to add per iteration (by default, 1)
topple_dissipate() → int

Distribute material from overloaded sites to neighbors.

Convenience wrapper for the numba.njitted topple function defined in manna.py.

Return type:int
class SOC.models.Forest(p: float = 0.05, f: float = 0, *args, **kwargs)

Forest fire model

  • f – probability of thunder setting a tree on fire; set 0 to disable lighting
  • p (float) – probability of a new tree growh per empty cell

Does nothing in FF!

topple_dissipate() → int

Forest burning and turning into ash.

class SOC.models.Manna(critical_value: int = 1, abelian: bool = True, *args, **kwargs)

Implements the Manna model.

drive(num_particles: int = 1)

Drive the simulation by adding particles from the outside.

Parameters:num_particles (int) – How many particles to add per iteration (by default, 1)
topple_dissipate() → int

Distribute material from overloaded sites to neighbors.

Convenience wrapper for the numba.njitted topple_dissipate function defined in manna.py.

Returns:number of iterations it took to
Return type:bool
class SOC.models.OFC(critical_value: float = 1.0, conservation_lvl: float = 0.25, *args, **kwargs)

Implements the OFC model.

  • L (int) – linear size of lattice, without boundary layers
  • critical_value (float) – 1.0 by default - above this value, nodes start toppling. At 0.25 -> full force distributed (if 4 neighbours)
  • conservation_lvl (float) – 0.25 by default - fraction of the force from a toppling site going to its neighbour
AvalancheLoop() → dict

Bring the current simulation’s state to equilibrium by repeatedly toppling and dissipating.

Returns a dictionary with the total size of the avalanche and the number of iterations the avalanche took.

Return type:dict

Drive the simulation by adding force from the outside.

topple_dissipate() → int

Distribute material from overloaded sites to neighbors.

Convenience wrapper for the numba.njitted topple function defined in ofc.py.

Return type:int